On this my Blog..I am writing in English on entire World Cinema (history, growth & happenings), reviews of new movies and on film festivals! - Manoj Kulkarni (Pune, India).
Sunday, 12 November 2023
Friday, 10 November 2023
My "Manoj 'manas roomani' - Shayarana" You Tube Channel has now started with unique song written by me on Shrikrishna ji "Sabake man bhaye o Bansuriwale Shyam.." which has been sung by the famous Bhajan singer Mr. Anup Jalota ji!
It's great for me that this veteran singer sang & praised my song!
Please watch & listen this video in link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePNaQxzrYps
- Manoj Kulkarni
(manas roomani)]