Soviet/Russian master Filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky while shooting 'Nostalghia'! |
Today is 91st Birth Anniversary of Soviet/Russian master Filmmaker, Screenwriter, Editor, Film theorist and theatre & opera director..Andrei Arsenyevich Tarkovsky!
Andrei Tarkovsky's famous films includes 'Ivan's Childhood' (1962), 'Andrei Rublev' (1965), 'Solaris' (1972), 'Mirror' (1975), 'Stalker' (1979) and 'Nostalghia' (1983) & 'The Sacrifice' (1985). Lack of conventional dramatic structure, long takes and distinctively authored use of cinematography were the highlights of his filmmaking!
Oleg Yankovsky & Domiziana Giordano in Tarkovsky's film 'Nostalghia' (1983). |
This is also 40th anniversary year of one of Tarkovsky's masterpieces..'Nostalghia'. This was the first time he made film outside of his country with support of 'Mosfilm'! It was about a Russian poet & his interpreter visiting Italy for research the 18th-century Russian composer! This film utilized autobiographical elements from his experiences!Tarkovsky widely regarded as one of the greatest film-makers of all time! Almost all of his films critically acclaimed & honoured in prestigious international film fistivals!Humble Tribute to great Tarkovsky!!- Manoj Kulkarni