'93rd Oscar' is knocking on the door and we are curious about who will win the main 'Best Picture' award!
There are eight films nominated for this category. In these most of the films are from USA & UK, but some directed by filmmakers from other countries..like French, Chinese & Korean! These films includes 'Mank', 'The trial of the Chicago 7', Judas and the Black Messiah', 'Promising Young Woman', 'Sound of Metal' and 'Father', 'Nomadland' & 'Minari'!'Mank' (2020) is an American biographical film on screenwriter Herman Mankiewicz! In 1941, legendary actor-filmmaker Orson Wells made classic 'Citizen Kane'. And.. Mankiewicz wrote this film which focused on the media tycoon and politics. And he won 'Oscar' for that! 'Mank' shows the development process of that screenplay in those studio system days. David Fincher directed this film on a screenplay by his late father Jack Fincher. English actor Gary Oldman portrayed the character of Mank, as he was!

In these, there are two American films with the backdrops of socio-political happenings during 1960s in Chicago. 'Judas and the Black Messiah' (2021) is a biopic inspired by true incident happened at Chicago in late 1960s. It's about the betrayal of Fred Hampton (chief of Back Panther Party, illinois) at the hands of William O'Neal (FBI informant). Shaka King has co-written & directed this film, in which Daniel Kaluua powerfully did the role of Fred. For this he won 'Golden Globe' & 'BAFTA' awards of Best Supporting Actor! Then, 'The trial of the Chicago 7' (2020) is about the trial of 7 people group of anti-Vietnam War protesters with charges connected to Demoratic National Convention, 1968 at Chicago. All actors did their roles brilliantly in it. Aaron Sorakin wrote-directed this film in authentic way. And for this he won 'Golden Globe's Best Screenplay Award!

In these nominated films, there is British-American film 'Promising Young Woman' (2020) is different, a black humour in genre! It tells the story of a woman seeks revenge of the death of her rape victim friend. Beautiful English actress Carey Mulligan played this role stunningly. This is a directorial debut of English actress & novelist Emerald Fennell who also wrote it. This won 'BAFTA's 'Outstanding English Film' award! Other side, There is American drama film 'Sound of Metal' (2019) about the life of drummer who suddenly loses hearing! Darius Marder has co-written and directed this film. British-Pakistani actor-musician Riz Ahmed played this deaf character intensely. English actress Olivia Cooke accompanied him sensibly!

Then there are two American films made by other countries' directors. 'Father' (2020) is based on a play.. 'Le Pere' wrote by French novelist & playwright Florian Zeller. He directed this film. It's about an old man who tries to make sense of his changing circumstances and refuses assistance from daughter! Veteran actor Anthony Hopkins portrayed this complex character of capricious mindset superbly. And he won 'BAFTA' award of Best Actor for it! After this, there is 'Nomadland' (2020) about a journey of 'houseless' woman who lost everything in big recession. Joshua James Richards beautifully cinematographed this film. Frances McDormand portrayed this strong female protagonist intensely. She also co-produced this film with Chinese Chloe Zhao, who wrote, directed & edited it! This won 'Golden Globe's Best Film and Director awards. Chloe also won 'BAFTA's Best Director and Frances won Best Actress!

And there is.. Korean 'Minari' (2020) which is inspired by its writer-director.. Lee Isaac Chung's experiences of growing up in Arkansas, US. It tells the story of immigrant Korean family who starts a farm in Arkansas, United States in 1980s. How they face the different society & culture. All artists includes Steven Yeun, Han Ye-ri, Noel Kate Cho, Young Yuh-jung & Will Patton did their roles naturally. Especially the conversation between Yuh Jung Youn as grandmother and cute boy Alan kim as grandson is notable. Youn won 'BAFTA's Best Supporting Actress award! We can see attachment of Chung in handling this semi-autobiographical film. This already won 'Golden Globe's Best Foreign Language Film award!
After watching the glimpses of these films, I have my comments...
'Mank' tells the story of screenwriter and a man Herman Mankiewicz & the process of making legendary film.. 'Citizen Kane'. It's a docu-fiction in black & white! 'Father' became more dramatic than cinematic, because.. playwright handled it! 'Nomadland' is a portray (with nice cinematography) of woman on the backdrop of recession. But concept of 'houseless people travels around' is not new. we often sees such foreigners! And 'Promising Young - Woman' is just like Hollywood kind revenge drama with mainstream popular genre & glamour!So comparatively other four films are factual, contemporary & appealing! The facts showed in films 'The trial of the Chicago 7' and 'Judas and the Black Messiah' are still relates to current social scenario! A man becoming deaf in film 'Sound of Metal' is contemporary. And film 'Minari's life of immigrant family is appealing! (I found its cinematic treatment similar to Japanese master filmmaker Ozu!).
Anyway, I think one from these last four films..will win! Especially, the 'Sound of Metal' or lovely 'Minari' should win!!
'Oscar' ceremony will be held on 25th April!
Best wishes to all these films.!!
- Manoj Kulkarni